Guanyin's thousand hands portray different means to assist the people, while the thousand eyes stand for the wisdom to perceive all dharma, comprehend the people's unfortunate circumstances, and attend to their calls. Guanyin, on the other hand, does not only have a thousand hands and a thousand eyes because each palm contains one eye, which in turn contains one hand, which in turn contains one eye, and so on indefinitely.
The bodhisattva of a thousand hands is a Buddhist symbol of love. The goddess used all of her powers to help people because she saw their helplessness. However, we should see her as a symbol of unity, one that is perplexing because it represents a still somewhat idealized wish: that when no single abled body with superpower is sufficient to alleviate all suffering and bring about a better world, we can only rely on everyone, abled or extraordinary, to erase the boundary and work cooperatively for that future.
With this Thousand Hands of Guanyin Bodhisattva Necklace, you may shield yourself from all kinds of misfortune as well as overcome other major obstacles in life.
The bodhisattva of a thousand hands is a Buddhist symbol of love. The goddess used all of her powers to help people because she saw their helplessness. However, we should see her as a symbol of unity, one that is perplexing because it represents a still somewhat idealized wish: that when no single abled body with superpower is sufficient to alleviate all suffering and bring about a better world, we can only rely on everyone, abled or extraordinary, to erase the boundary and work cooperatively for that future.
With this Thousand Hands of Guanyin Bodhisattva Necklace, you may shield yourself from all kinds of misfortune as well as overcome other major obstacles in life.
Item Type: Necklace
Materials: Copper, Silver Plated Brass, Red Agate, Black Agate,
Lace Length: about 75cm | approx. 29.52in
Item Type: Necklace
Materials: Copper, Silver Plated Brass, Red Agate, Black Agate,
Lace Length: about 75cm | approx. 29.52in
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